poor tom

Zeyu Yang

PhD Student
Rice ECE
Computational Wellbeing Group
Email: zy45 [at] rice (dot) edu
Google Scholar / GitHub / Twitter / LinkedIn / CV

Zeyu Yang is a PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University. He earned his master of data science degree from Rice University in 2023 under the mentorship of Professor Akane Sano and Professor Joe Warren. His main area of research interest is machine learning with a focus on generative modeling and multimodal learning. During his undergraduate, he worked closely with Professor Hao Wang in optimization and energy systems.


Balanced Mixed-Type Tabular Data Synthesis with Diffusion Models
Zeyu Yang, Peikun Guo, Khadija Zanna, and Akane Sano

Contrastive Pretraining for Stress Detection with Multimodal Wearable Sensor Data and Surveys
Zeyu Yang, Han Yu, Akane Sano
Submitted to BHI

Network-Aware Asynchronous Distributed ADMM Algorithm for Smart Home Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading
Zeyu Yang and Hao Wang


PlotNet: A Python Toolbox for Interactive Visualization of Neural Networks
Zeyu Yang and Joe Warren

Deep Learning Based GUI for Bird Detection in Drone Images
Zeyu Yang, Ben Daecher, Jose Mata, and Jiehui Li
[Report] [Code] [Video]


Rice University
Graduate Teaching Assistant:
  1. Course: Data Visualization (COMP 665, Graduate Level)
    Description: Data is being generated by humans and algorithms at an astounding rate. Having the ability to analyze and interpret this data visually is a key technique for coping with this explosion. This class will cover the basic ways that various types of data can be visualized and what properties distinguish useful visualizations from not so useful ones. The class will use Python as both the primary tool for processing the data as well creating visualizations of this data. To enhance the students' depth of knowledge, the class will also cover some of the geometric algorithms used to create advanced visualizations.
    Semester: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Summer 2022, Spring 2022
    Instructor: Professor Joe Warren

Selected Honors


I have a love for basketball, both playing it and watching games. I also find great pleasure in playing Chinese chess, and it's worth mentioning that I won the championship of the national junior Chinese chess tournament in 2009. My favorite author is Plato, renowned for crafting influential works such as Republic, Apology, and Symposium.


Computational Wellbeing Group @ Rice University
6100 Main St, Houston, TX, 77005